The International Criminal Court (2013)
85min | English | Directed by: Marcus Vetter | Screenplay: Marcus Vetter, Michele Gentile | Production: film perspective | Coproduction: Anne Walser (C-FILMS AG)
Exactly 15 years ago, more than 100 states dare to conduct a previously unthinkable experiment. At a conference in Rome, they adopt the Rome Statute, which in 2002 establishes the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. There, those responsible for the world's worst crimes are to be tried.
Told from the perspective of chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the film follows the genre of a judicial thriller as the first internationally legitimized criminal court in The Hague investigates war criminals. Among them are cases such as the suppression of the Arab Spring in Libya, possible war crimes in the Gaza war or the recruitment of child soldiers in the Congo.
Actress Angelina Jolie and former Nuremberg Chief Prosecutor Ben Ferencz are supporting the court and traveling to The Hague for the first case against Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga Dyilo to convince the judges, and thus the world community, that the use of child soldiers is a crime against humanity.